



The negative impacts of agriculture on both the environment and society are well documented. Food systems contribute between 19 and 29 percent of global annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with 80 to 89 percent of that impact from agricultural production.

Agriculture is responsible for 75 percent of global deforestation,  and croplands and pasture occupy half of the world’s vegetated lands. Globally, agriculture accounts for about 70 percent of all water consumption and the run-off of fertilizer, manure and pesticides are major sources of water pollution in most regions of the world.

These factors are all subject to the increased pressure of a growing global population, and increased demand for higher impact agricultural ingredients, like beef.

For major food and beverage companies, developing systems to purchase agricultural products that are grown or produced sustainably is a critical step towards mitigating these risks and gaining more secure supply sources.

Issues such as deforestation, water pollution and scarcity, climate change, and working conditions affect all companies operating globally, but are particularly relevant to those with supply chains stretching down to the farm level.

These are not just environmental and social challenges, they also pose significant business risks, including: commodity price volatility; product quality and contamination issues; reputation and brand impacts; and uncertainty related to the long term availability of agricultural products.

Stakeholders, including consumers, are taking an increased interest in corporate supply chain management, and expect more accountability and proof that a company’s sourcing practices have positive rather than negative environmental and social impacts.

Ceres and Sustainalytics Report 2014.

While these issues are currently are being addressed by major agribusiness in the Western world and parts of Asia, they will certainly become fundamental for  other major developing countries of Asia.

Trisap’s product range very specifically addresses these issues at the farm level.

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