Dr Alan Walker (Chairman and Executive Director)
Alan has a B.Sc. (Hons) in geology and chemistry, a Ph.D. in chemistry and geology, and a B.Com in economics and finance all from the University of Melbourne. His external examiner for his Ph.D was the leading geochemist of his time from Stanford University of the USA.
His career started with CSIRO as a research scientist and he then joined BHP where he was responsible for developing new exploration targets using advanced theories of ore deposit formation.
Since that time, Alan has developed a broad background in innovation and entrepreneurship and has a particular interest in the commercialisation of innovative geological ideas and groundbreaking, resources oriented technologies. He has a consistent track record of recognising and obtaining a key initial position with these opportunities, value adding to them and progressing them towards internationally significant projects.
These projects include but are not limited to:
• A 25% shareholding in the Ashton Diamond Joint Venture, the precursor of the Argyle Diamond Mine in WA, Australia.
• A control position in the initial development of the Eneabba heavy minerals field in WA
• An 50/50 alternative energy technology with McDonnell Douglas Corporation (now merged with Boeing). He was the Chief Executive Officer of the Asian & Pacific region, and responsible for identifying and negotiating a joint venture with a then Korean chaebol.
• A co-founder and a major shareholder of Featherston Resources Ltd, a company controlling a completely under recognised diatomite resource in Central Otago, New Zealand. A multimillion-dollar project based on this resource is currently being developed by Plaman Global – see Plaman Global, with markets directed at the animal nutrition industry.
• The founder shareholder and promoter of Trisap Group Pty Ltd. He acquired a strategic position in the Lampang diatomite resource in Thailand and recognised the importance of products sourced from this resource in increasing the fertility and soil health of the heavily depleted soils of Asia, decreasing nitrogen runoff and the use of chemical pesticides, and conserving water use. He maintains substantial equity in the company.
He has more than forty years’ experience in the commercialisation and financing of industrial minerals projects and has had a keen interest in the commercial opportunities arising from the implementation of the Paris agreement. He has worked extensively internationally, particularly in Asia.
Alan Walker is on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
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